Best Moisturizers for Oily Skin

Best Moisturizers for Oily Skin

Some common misconceptions regarding moisturizing oily skin include 1) those with oily skin don’t need to moisturize, and 2) those with oily skin should stay away from putting oils on their face. Both statements couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, if your skin lacks the hydration and moisture it needs, it will overcompensate by producing even more oil, which in turn can lead to clogged pores.

In this article, we will discuss how to choose the best moisturizer for oily skin, ingredients to look for, and the best moisturizers on the market for oily skin.


Main Takeaways: Those with oily complexions naturally produce plenty of sebum (oil) to keep their skin moisturized, but oily skin can easily become dehydrated and lack the proper amount of water in the skin.

Good to Know: Look for oil-balancing ingredients like squalane and jojoba oil to keep your skin protected, nourished, and healthy.

Recommended Products: Youth Fairy Retinol Moisturizer and Crème de la Cream Brightening Moisturizer


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Why Moisturize Oily Skin?

If you think you don’t need to moisturize your oily skin, you’re not alone. Many believe that applying a moisturizer to their already slick complexion will only further exacerbate their condition. But the opposite is actually true! Using a properly formulated moisturizer will help balance your skin, making for healthier pores and promoting a more even tone. Moisturizers also can provide protection from dirt, pollution, and other environmental stressors that can tax the skin in a variety of ways.


Best Moisturizing Ingredients for Oily Skin

Those with oily complexions naturally produce plenty of sebum (oil) to keep their skin moisturized, but oily skin can easily become dehydrated and lack the proper amount of water in the skin. Look for ingredients that restore hydration to your skin, such as hyaluronic acid, aloe, and glycerin. 

Don’t be afraid to use certain oils on your skin, either! Oil-balancing ingredients, like squalane and jojoba oil, won’t clog your pores and are ideal for those with oily skin.

Here are our top picks for facial moisturizers that work best for those with oil-rich complexions:


1. Best Brightening Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Fleur & Bee: Crème de la Cream Brightening Moisturizer

Fortified with hyaluronic acid to keep your skin properly hydrated and squalane to keep your skin balanced, Crème de la Cream is our go-to facial moisturizer for oily skin. This lightweight face cream includes vitamin C to reduce uneven skin tone, peptides to prevent the look of fine lines, and antioxidants in the form of green tea and acai fruit to protect and nourish your skin.




2. Best Lightweight Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Youth to the People: Superfood Air-Whip Moisture Cream

This light as air facial moisturizer by Youth to the People combines green tea, kale, and hyaluronic acid to keep your skin properly hydrated and balanced. Its antioxidant-rich formula works to protect your skin from environmental stressors and makes a great primer for applying makeup.

3. Best Anti-Aging Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Fleur & Bee: Youth Fairy Retinol Moisturizer

Anti-aging moisturizers can be tricky when it comes to oily skin. However, when you include retinol in the formula, you get a pore-clearing, wrinkle-reducing, skin-firming powerhouse. Our beginner-friendly retinol moisturizer combines 0.03% retinol with plant stem cells, organic evening primrose oil, and squalane to effectively reveal younger-looking skin. 

While it’s great for all skin types, we recommend that those with oily skin use Youth Fairy as their nighttime moisturizer and use a lighter face cream during the day.


4. Best Pore-Clarifying Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Tata Harper: Clarifying Moisturizer

Packed with botanicals, this high-performance clarifying moisturizer works to control excess oil and target blemishes. Its lightweight aloe-based formula soothes temporary redness, restores hydration, and includes salicylic acid for a gentle exfoliation that leaves your skin feeling smooth. The price tag is a little steep, making it a bit of a splurge, but reviewers agree that it's worth the money.

5. Best Drugstore Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Versed: Dew Point Moisturizing Gel-Cream

A budget-friendly pick that is found in your local drugstore, Versed’s Dew Point Moisturizing Gel Cream is a fan-fave for its super lightweight gel-consistency. Featuring hyaluronic acid (in the form of sodium hyaluronate), aloe vera, and green tea, it has a cooling sensation when applied to your skin and instantly hydrates without adding extra shine. We love this moisturizer during the summer, when the temps are high and excessively oily skin makes its appearance.


6. Best Oil-Free Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Summer Fridays: Cloud Dew Oil-Free Gel Cream

As mentioned above, using the right oils on oily skin can be very beneficial. But if you find that your skin is excessively oily, try an oil-free moisturizer. Cloud Dew from Summer Fridays is an excellent choice. Its lightweight formula uses glycerin and hyaluronic acid to infuse your skin with hydration to keep it looking plump and healthy, not clogged and shiny.



No matter which option you choose, be sure to keep your skin properly hydrated and moisturized on the regular. Failing to protect and nourish your skin with a moisturizer can cause your skin to dehydrate and overproduce the oil you are trying to keep at bay. It's also a good idea to switch up your skincare routine during warmer and colder seasons, and as your skin ages. And as always, apply sunscreen during the day after you moisturize!

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