Eyes Eyes Baby: Natural Anti Aging Eye Cream by Fleur & Bee

Eyes Eyes Baby: Natural Anti Aging Eye Cream by Fleur & Bee

Your eyes are everything. The windows to the soul, the way you see the world — and the first place people look.

But bags, fine lines, puffiness, and dark circles can leave your eyes looking less than their best. (Late nights happen to the best of us. Thanks Netflix)

That’s where Fleur & Bee’s all-natural vegan eye cream comes in: Eyes Eyes Baby.

It’s so easy for lifestyle factors to negatively affect the delicate eye area, but a soothing eye cream packed with crucial antioxidants and other good-for-you ingredients can help mitigate the damage and keep that skin feeling soft, supple, and refreshed!

Here are all the reasons why you want Eyes Eyes Baby (and its curated, all-natural ingredients) as part of your daily routine.

Knowledge Drop: Here’s Why the Skin Around Your Eyes Needs Extra Care

The skin around your eyes is thinner than the rest of your face, meaning it needs a little extra TLC.

The eye area can be the first to show signs of aging like fine lines and crow’s feet, and it’s also prone to filling with fluid — hence the puffiness we’ve all experienced.

The skin on the rest of your body is packed with oil glands — but the eye area, not so much. We also blink our eyes around 10,000 a day. That’s a lot of action in a small area, which is another reason that wear and tear is more noticeable.

But you can reduce puffy eyes, keep this area feeling smooth and supple, and protect yourself from signs of premature aging — it’s all about adding a natural eye cream to your skin care regimen.

Do I Really Need an Under Eye Cream?

Short answer: yes!

Even if you’re taking care of the rest of your face, you might be skipping out on eye cream. Maybe you thought it was unnecessary or weren’t sure what product to buy. There are TONS of options and many are full of toxins and chemical ingredients.

And even if you don’t have any visible signs of aging now, a natural eye cream is how you keep them away! Think of it as a highly effective way to keep you looking young as long as possible.

Like wearing sunscreen or getting your teeth cleaned — it’s preventative maintenance.

As we’ve discussed, the eye area is in its own league. More than any other part of your face, it needs special ingredients and special care.

And, since this is the first spot to show signs of aging, it’s never too early to add a natural eye cream to your daily routine.

Eyes eyes baby - natural eye cream by Fleur & Bee - with woman holding sunflower

What’s in Our Natural Eye Cream?

Fleur & Bee’s natural eye cream is packed with hand-picked vitamins and moisturizing ingredients designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, so the skin around your eyes will stay smooth and bright.

Let’s talk about some of the key ingredients in Eyes Eyes Baby, and why our team chose them.

Organic Aloe - This super-soothing plant works to nourish your skin while forming a thin, protective layer that keeps you cared for. Aloe also includes vitamins A, B, C, D and E; calms and soothes skin, provides moisture, and can help remove build up from the surface.

Squalane (From Olive Oil) - Olive oil may have ubiquitous uses in cooking, but that’s not its only application! It contains squalane, another component of sebum, and naturally hydrates and soothes the skin.

Vitamin B3 - This crucial vitamin helps your skin to retain moisture, evens skin tone and helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E, another antioxidant, has been shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and discoloration, plus soften, rejuvenate, and give your skin some good-for-you nutrients.

Organic Green Tea - We use the delicately harvested new growth leaves of this famous plant. Antioxidant-rich, it helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Caffeine - Just like it perks up the rest of us, caffeine also perks up our skin. It’s antioxidant-rich, and it helps give tired-looking skin a boost. It leaves the eye area feeling refreshed and revived

Organic Gotu Kola - This ancient plant, used for those thousands of years for natural healing, is an amazing ingredient for preserving and restoring a youthful look to the skin.

Matrixyl 3000 - Although it sounds complex, Matrixyl 3000 is just an anti-aging peptide made up of two proteins. A peptide is a protein (the building blocks of cells) that helps our cells communicate. Over time, peptipes don’t work as effectively, so Matrixyl 3000 steps in and keeps your skin looking supple and fresh!

Hand holding anti-aging eye cream

How to Use Our Vegan Eye Cream

Using Eyes Eyes Baby couldn’t be easier. Here’s your play-by-play:

  1. Wash your face with a natural cleanser.
  2. Apply toner and moisturizer.
  3. Dab a small amount of Eyes Eyes Baby around your eye area for radiant, revitalized skin.
  4. Apply both in the morning and at night.

That’s all you need to keep your eye area glowing, reduce puffy eyes, and banish those bags!